Wednesday, 4 February 2015

How to run a successful budget hotel in South Kolkata?

If your dream is running a hotel business in the city of Kolkata, then you should have a clue about the kind of work and truck load of commitment to responsibilities that is expected of you.  A hotelier is known to be jack of all trades, meaning you have to be able to face and handle any kind of situation at all times.  Do not expect yourself to be just some any other manager, with fixed a fixed amount of responsibilities and area of work. You have to know a lit bit of each and everything in order to become a respectable and dependable hotelier.

In order to run a successful budget hotel in South Kolkata, there are some points that you need to keep in mind. Things will often get hectic and at many times you might not be able to give your 100 percent to work. The one specific thing about being a hotelier is that you have to continuously run your business and carry out your responsibilities, as you may be needed at any time.

Firstly, you have to remember that you are a part of a big team. You might be the leader of the team, but constantly undermining everyone and reminding everyone of your position, will not yield to any advantage of your own. Instead you will be segregated because of your attitude as most of the employees will be uncomfortable and also intimidated in wanting to work with you. So rather than abusing the power of your position, show them that you want to work with them. Built a strong team of your own that will go a long way in the future for you.

Secondly, you have to remind yourself that every hotel belongs to the service and hospitality industry. Henceforth, you and your hotel are both working in the hospitality industry, serving to the needs of the customers. You cannot deny them, or say no to them, thinking that they are being impossible or unreasonable. You should always maintain your basic etiquette as a gentleman, or a gentlewoman, and not argue with your customers or even pick a fight with them. Customers can be impossible or absurd or contradictory but you should always be courteous to them showing your professional side. This is one of the very basic rules of maintaining your old and new customers and turning your hotel in South Kolkata into a successful one.

Therefore, you should always take care of the needs of the customers however; picky or demanding they may seem to be. Be understanding and open minded rather than being judgmental and mean. They are guests staying at your house, so always give them the homely treatment as the owner of the house.

Thirdly, be attentive towards the suppliers of the hotel. This might not come to your realization, but they are extremely valuable. They are ones taking care of the stocks of the hotels. So you need to maintain nice, amicable relationship with them, in order to grow your business and run one of the best budget hotels in Kolkata. 

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